6042 Band II (MUS2BAND)(03150200) 1 Credit
In the second level of band, students will compare and contrast music forms of literature selected for
performances and/or listening. Students will exhibit accurate intonation and rhythm, fundamental skills, and basic
performance techniques while performing moderately difficult literature, independently and in ensembles.
Grade: 10-12
Prerequisite: Band I
6044 Band IV (MUS4BAND)(0315400) 1 Credit
In the fourth level of band, students demonstrate independent in interpreting music through the performance of
appropriate literature. Students analyze musical performance, intervals, music notation, choral structure,
rhythm/meter, and harmonic texture, using standard terminology.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: Band III
6046 Applied Music1 (MUS1APL)(03152500) 1 credit
6047 Applied Music2(MUS2APL) (03152600) 1 credit
6048 Applied Music3( MUS3APL) (03152601) 1 credit
6049 Applied Music4(MUS4APL) (03152602) 1 credit
Four basic strands--foundations: music literacy; creative expression; historical and cultural relevance; and critical evaluation and response--provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. The foundation of music literacy is fostered through reading, writing, reproducing, and creating music, thus developing a student's intellect. Through creative expression, students apply their music literacy and the critical-thinking skills of music to sing, play, read, write, and/or move. By experiencing musical periods and styles, students will understand the relevance of music to history, culture, and the world, including the relationship of music to other academic disciplines and the vocational possibilities offered. Through critical listening, students analyze, evaluate, and respond to music, developing criteria for making critical judgments and informed choices.